Digitouch XML Export

Digitouch XML Export

Digitouch in line with the determined communication objectives; It is a platform that provides services in the fields of determining media strategy, conducting market research, preparing media plans, managing and optimizing advertising campaigns. With ConnectProf, you can easily transfer your products to Digitouch and increase your sales.

Connectprof; It offers the infrastructure of exporting your products as XML to Digitouch platform. Our advanced product panel offers you convenience in this sense. Your products are transferred to Digitouch automatically as you wish.

Advantages of Digitouch

* Your sales also increase

* Deliver your products to the end user instantly with your rich content

* Ease of delivering your ads to the user by e-mail

* Marketing your products easily

ConnectProf is your assistant in this area. It helps you reach your customers by getting Digitouch Xml Output in your desired criteria with its advanced product panel.